Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pandemic Birthday 2020!


I am going to quote one of my friends, who had a birthday last month, and said, "Jarig tahun ini gak keitung, I refuse to accept 2020!".

I feel you gal, celebrating a birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic? It's a challenge!.

This public health crisis is disrupting millions of once-in-a-lifetime events. From weddings, graduations, birthdays even funerals have been cancelled or they found an online - physical distance to do that. Some people, they missed those milestone moments.

Birthdays roll around once a year, and not everyone is blessed to wake up and enjoy life or live long enough to experience more of God's love.
 I have a lot of people in my life don't get to make it to this age. I've seen and have been affected by folks who have died very young (my late sister in her early forties and and my brother on his early twenties).

This year, after two years I passed my half-of-century, I am (still) choosing to focus on all the things I have to be grateful and know that they are what really matters most.

Here are Fifty-two (52) of them:

1. Jesus Christ is my savior, my hope and center of my life.
2. My loving and caring husband of ten years.
3. My faith that has grown not as big as the mustard seed yet but surely bigger than it used to be.
4. The right people HE has brought into my life who are helping me realize and acknowledge my purpose of life.
5. A sturdy roof over our head.
6. A cozy home and the grass is always greener than our neighbors (thanks husbabe!).
7. My red-hyunnay (that's i name her) - took me daily to everywhere.
8. My job and people that I work with everyday.
9. Food on the table every day.
10. Health and wellness (Pacemaker needs to renew next year).
11. Mother-in-law is like a mother to me.
12. Sis-in-law and her family.
13. Aunts and Uncles that are always there for me.
14. Fabulous Cousins and Second and Third Cousins ( I am count of youuuu)
15. Church Family and Prayer Team.
16. My bi-weekly online Women Ministry and Sunday School (Kudos to Zoom).
17. Manadonesse Friends in DMV Area (Matuari - Torang Samua Basudara).
18. Close and Closest Friends - (ManadoMafia, Bhazchattas&Outsiders, The Silvers, Dinoers, Lunchies, XPEYO84, Kartini, DB35, The Rex87, AAF(girl-gang-besties) - all in WAG).
19. New Friends - all cherished.
20. My amazing girl friend(s) like sister to me - You know who you are.
21. Memories and photographs of long-gone immediate family and relatives, much missed!.
22. Old Traditions (still carried-on - Christmas and Easter).
23. New Traditions (Thanksgiving, Fourth of July).
24. WGTS 91.9FM (My commute friend).
25. Internet and Wi-Fi.
26. Google Nest Mini (2nd Generation).
27. Smartphone (oh, with all those Apps!)
28. Zoom Account (Fifteen bucks per month, can save lots of people's life).
29. Essential Oils (Endoflex & Peppermint from Young Living are the best).
30. Yoga Pants or/and jegging.
31. Changing Seasons (always excited to the next one).
32. Amazon Prime (Video, Book and Unlimited Music).
33. Ibu Campbell (She is satisfied my tongue and my kitchen)  
34. My resilience in facing challenges, and the will to move on.
35. My Nieces, Nephews and God children.
36. To people who always have creative fantastic ideas in Pinterest.
37. To people who always inspired me day by day in IG.
38. Starry Nights, moon, sun, snow, I admired all.
39. Birds singing, crickets and fireflies.
40. Annual and Perennial Flowers.
41. Breathing fresh air and Rain drops!.
42. Social Media  that I can engage with family and friends from all over the world.
43. Songs that bring back wonderful memories (thanks iTunes).
44. Random acts of kindness.
45. The convenience of online shopping.
46. Trevor Noah, Jimmy Fallon & Ellen DeGeneres!
47. Food Trucks  -  Java Cove, pemirsa!
48. Waze (I'll be lost without it).
49. Vision 20/20, being able to view the world's beauty.
50. Tears, sometimes when there are no words to say, tears express how we feel.
51. Pain, without pain, it would be difficult to appreciate life's joy.
52. God's love unconditionally and everlasting!

Let me pray:
Thank you for every blessing my dear Lord
YOU breathed life into my soul, and YOU chose me to live.
n this journey called life.
YOU are always there with me.
I feel your presence in joy and laughter, during difficult days, even sorrows.

All of the gifts that I've received,
I hold the gift of YOUR love, closest to my heart.
All the friends that I've known, I cherish, 
Above all, YOUR companionship.

I ask only that YOU walk with me,
and guide me to follow YOUR faithful way,
Forgive me when I fail You, Lord,
and help me to forgive others.

Grant me strength in mind, body and spirit.
And when it's time, lead me home.
To the everlasting life prepared by YOU.

Red Velvet with DIY Daisies & Baby Breath

Red Roses and Baby Breath.

Why not Balloons?!

The color of 2020!

Happy birthday to me indeed! 

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